
The Incoming President James James Okello Onyoin MD


jamesJames Okello Onyoin MBA, FCCA, CPA.
James is a Public Financial Management & Governance Expert with more than 20 years experience in International Development, covering over 10 countries. He is a Board Member for Eskom Uganda Ltd and Citibank Uganda Ltd. James is Senior Partner at Jim Roberts & Associates, Certified Public Accountants and Trustee for the CEO Summit Uganda. He is also Member of the Parliamentary Audit Committee of the Parliament of Uganda. James previously held senior management positions at Tropical Bank, Uganda Revenue Authority, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC. James is a Rotarian and is a Major Donor and Benefactor. He is Charter member (and two times Treasurer) of the Rotary Club of Kampala Day Break. He is currently Projects Director and President Elect for the club. He recently led a team of Day Breakers to the EA Projects Fair and is the brain behind the formation of the Rotary Club of Bukedea.
James serves in The Rotary Foundation (TRF) District 9211 (Uganda and Tanzania)
team and was Chair for the TRF Dinner 2017/2018. He has attended 5 DCAs and
will be attending the RI Convention in Toronto, Canada in June 2018. James is a
graduate of the Rotary Leadership Institute and serves as a Cadre of Technical
Advisers (CTA) for the Rotary Foundation. James is a Certified Public Accountant and is married with 4 children.