EventsMOU for ECD in Rubindi signed off and construction flagged offrotarykla4 years agoFebruary 16, 20213.18KMOU for ECD in Rubindi signed off and construction flagged off...
EventsBlood Donation at City square was a successrotarykla4 years agoOctober 19, 2020759Blood donation at City square was a success, thank you to everyone who supported us in this One drop of...
Daily NewsEventsRotary InfoRotary ProgramsConstruction of the the Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) at Kijjabwemi CoU Primary School Commencedrotarykla4 years agoSeptember 18, 2020844Construction of the the Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) at Kijjabwemi CoU Primary School Commenced, the communities around the school...