EventsPartnership with surgeons council of Ugandarotarykla8 years agoOctober 13, 2016587Rotary club day break of Kampala made partnership with the Uganda Surgeons council in supporting the council activities like surgical...
EventsEnjoying the hospitality of Kabalerotarykla8 years agoAugust 18, 2016637Enjoying the hospitality of Kabale ...
EventsKasoni – RUMPS Project – Kabalerotarykla8 years agoAugust 25, 2016591Kasoni - RUMPS Project - Kabale...
Daily NewsPresident of Rotary Internationalrotarykla8 years agoAugust 16, 2016643The 2016-17 Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International has unanimously nominated Samuel Frobisher Owori, purchase of the Rotary Club...