Club EventsDaily NewsEventsfellowshipsRotary InfoRotary Programs10th Presidential Installation Ceremony of Rotary Club Of Kampala Day-Break on 27th May 2021rotarykla4 years agoMay 27, 2021788Club Members with New President New President Rtn. Fredrick KitakuleCake Cutting After InstallationHanding over Tools of PowerClub Members...
Daily NewsEventsRotary InfoDay-Breakers at Fairway Hotel for Strategic Planning Session for RY-2021-2022rotarykla4 years agoFebruary 17, 2021676It was happiness and learning after long time without physical interaction, we discussed many things including strategic plan for the...
EventsMOU for ECD in Rubindi signed off and construction flagged offrotarykla4 years agoFebruary 16, 20213.17KMOU for ECD in Rubindi signed off and construction flagged off...
EventsBlood Donation at City square was a successrotarykla4 years agoOctober 19, 2020757Blood donation at City square was a success, thank you to everyone who supported us in this One drop of...
Daily NewsEventsRotary InfoRotary ProgramsConstruction of the the Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) at Kijjabwemi CoU Primary School Commencedrotarykla4 years agoSeptember 18, 2020841Construction of the the Early Childhood Development Centre (ECDC) at Kijjabwemi CoU Primary School Commenced, the communities around the school...
Club EventsDaily NewsEventsfellowshipsRotary InfoRotary ProgramsMOU SIGN OFF & GROUND BREAKING OF KIJJABWEMI WAS A SUCCESSrotarykla4 years agoSeptember 18, 20201.38KThe Lord Bishop of West Buganda Diocese, IREAD & Rotary Club of Kampala Day-Break, Representatives of Rotary Club of Masaka,...
Club EventsDaily NewsEventsfellowshipsRotary ProgramsChurch of Uganda signs MOU with Rotary Kampala Day break, IREADrotarykla4 years agoMarch 8, 20212.2KOfficial MOU sign off between Rotary Club Kampala DAY BREAK / IREAD / COU went well. Blessed to have the...
Club EventsDaily NewsEventsRotary InfoRotary ProgramsThe IREAD and Rotary Club of Kampala Day-Break team lands at Church of Uganda Headquarters to sign the MoU.rotarykla4 years agoSeptember 9, 20201.39KThe IREAD and Rotary Club of Kampala Day-Break team lands at Church of Uganda Headquarters to sign the MoU with...