Club EventsDaily NewsEventsRotary ProgramsThe official opening of the Samnani Early Childhood Development Center Koena village in Bukedea Districtrotarykla5 years agoJuly 3, 2021936You are all welcome to join us in Koena village on Thursday 27th February at 10am for the official opening...
Daily NewsEventsfellowshipsRotary ProgramsThe Day-Break Club Retreat 2019rotarykla5 years agoFebruary 14, 2020750The club Members attended and had a retreat where they also visited the different ECD sites...
Club EventsEventsRotary ProgramsThe Rotary Foundation Fund Dinnerrotarykla5 years agoFebruary 14, 2020724Day Break Members attended the TRF dinner at Hotel Protea on 30th November 2019 , It was Marvelous...